Sunday, November 28, 2010

Line Segments and Rings

(The morning skyline, Leotard, Mick Jagger)
Had a tough time picking out the clothes I wanted to wear today. Eventually I decided on this leo and cut up shorts. I was also wearing a feather headband that I got while overseas but in all the pictures including my head I looked intoxicated. I also thought I'd post my ring collection. I lost just recently an Elizabeth and James look-alike knuckle ring that I've been missing so much. Oh and the picture of Mick Jagger? I just think he looks good.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

In the Middle of a Marble

This weekend was so amazing. Went to the beach, dressed like an Indian, ate tons of food, talked about how Snooki is a slut with my grandmother, played Trouble, made fun of birds, faced the "baddest, most rocking, blue cheese dressing ever" , discovered a thrift store, found new ways to wear moccasins, and laughed till my sides hurt. Oh and I swear these shorts are not the same ones in my other post. A friend pointed out that in all of my posts I am wearing the same shorts...I'm embarrassed...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dear Jeffrey Campbell...

(Jeffrey Campbell Lita and Charli Clog via Solestruck)

Run or Running

(Black lace Bodysuit, Vintage boots, shorts that I've had since 5th grade)
Sorry its been so long since my last post but school is killer at the moment. It was surprisingly warm for November yesterday so my friend Michelle (the lovely photographer) and I had a small 8 minute photoshoot. There were so many people walking or riding bikes that looked at us funny that I thought my face would forever be red from embarassment. We tried to catch the light before it went dark and we barely caught it. Running in fringed heeled boots? Unexpectedly hard. Soon, I'll post my favorite pairs of shoes and a few outffits back when it was summer.