Thursday, September 8, 2011


I've been taking too many nature pictures and not enough random pictures for here. I tried uploading this great portrait of a man puffing on a cigarette but my camera is being a prissy little troll and refuses to upload. Anyways, on to the real reason I post today! Today, after doing my homework and doing research for my backpacking trip across Canada (Have I told you about this? No? You will hear more about this in the future.....oh yes you will) I decided to check up on all of my favorite websites (other than google pacman....addiction isn't pretty) and thought "Hey, maybe my 3 readers would like to know what I look at while I create these majestic posts??" so thus became the following list of sites I visit daily (none are tumblr, those to come at a later more undetermined date).

And just because I don't like a post without visuals, here is Class Actress (musical artist, creator of better synthesizer and better mood) doing what she does best: look cool.

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